



This register seeks to provide participants with a record of approved gear for usage in Malaysia and Singapore.

General – MRA Regulation 1.13

(a) Any additional gear not referred to in the regulations, shall not be worn by a horse in a race without the prior
written approval and permission of the Stipendiary Stewards.

(b) Any gear approved and used on a horse in a race shall continue to be used on that horse without variation until permission to the contrary has been obtained from the Stipendiary Stewards.
(c) The Stipendiary Stewards may inspect any saddlery, general equipment and gear which is to be carried in a race. Any defective equipment found may be confiscated.
(d) No person shall use or attempt to use defective equipment in a race. The person having charge of an Apprentice in a particular race shall be responsible for ensuring that such Apprentice’s equipment is not defective.
(e) When any horse is equipped in a way which may, in their opinion, be harmful to a horse in a race or when such equipment may, in their opinion, adversely affect the running of such horse, the Stipendiary Stewards may:
(1) Order the equipment concerned to be replaced or removed;
(2) Withdraw the horse from the race.

